For the Love of Homemade Kits: June 2020 Kit Reveal

Hey Hey Everybody!

       Where in the world did the time and the month of May go?!?! It seems like time is both flying by and standing still. We are facing a lot of unrest right now here in Arizona with curfews being imposed nightly at 8pm for the remainder of the week. Are you seeing similar situations where you live? During this time of unrest, I think that it continues to be more important than ever to take time to flex your creative muscles, find some comfort in creating, and remember those stories and moments of love and family. Just fifteen minutes a day can have a huge impact on your stress levels and mental state and so I encourage you to find those little pockets of time where you can create! With all of that being said, I am super excited about the June kit recipe and cannot wait to share it with you.

       If you are new around here, For the Love of Homemade Kits is a You Tube series that I do with some of my scrappy friends where we create a stash kit each month based upon the same “recipe” of items. Then, throughout the month, we share process videos and layouts using those items. You will always see a new kit reveal on the 1st of the month and then process videos each Monday throughout the month. Each and every month brings a new kit, new recipe, and loads of fun! I love digging into my stash and working with a unique set of supplies. It also helps get my creativity flowing when I limit my supply choices! How about you? 

      Without further ado, let me share the June 2020 recipe. This recipe is really fun AND printable so that you can print a copy and play along! This would also be a great resource for packing for a retreat or crop if that’s your jam. You can also click on the top left corner where you see the Pinterest icon and save it directly to your board for later! 

scrapbooking stash kit recipe

Make sure to stop by my You Tube channel to check out the kit that I have put together this month. I cannot wait to jump right in and start creating! I hope that you will create a stash kit from this recipe and play along as well. Please tag me on social media so that I can see what you come up with. Just remember just fifteen minutes of creating a day is so important!

